Ten...Only Ten?
Happy New Year! This is one of my most favorite blog posts of the year. Narrowing down my top 10 images is incredibly difficult, but it gives me a chance to reflect and evaluate my year, my growth and my challenges. It has been a busy year for me both personally and professionally. I completed my first full year showing my astrophotography at Whidbey Art Gallery, started leading workshops, taught for my local camera club, and photographed family outdoor documentary sessions and a wedding all while supporting my husband in his volunteer firefighter/emt endeavors and homeschooling three energetic boys. Phew! My outings this year were more sporadic as I focused on life on the home front, but I am pleased with the images I am presenting to you and ready to take on 2018 head on. A little about my 10 images, the first four are coastal images which I have been experimenting with water, reflections, and shutter speed. The next two are from a magical day I spent alone at Mount Rainier which filled me with peace helped me reframe my thinking about composition and landscapes. Then I included my two favorite astrophotography shots of 2017. Both are single images, in fact all of my images are single file RAW images, no blends, processed in Lightroom and Photoshop. Lastly I included my favorite macro shot and one from my personal projects to round out the top ten on 2017. Enjoy! ~Holly